Customised shopfitting in Hamburg

At KMG in Hamburg, we focus on designing retail spaces that not only express the uniqueness of your brand, but also emphasise functionality and sustainability. We see every shopfitting project as an opportunity to create an unforgettable shopping experience that strengthens customer loyalty and increases sales. Our mission is to build a strong brand image through customised solutions that are both aesthetically pleasing and sustainable.

Our service portfolio: From vision to reality

From the first consultation to the turnkey handover, our team of experienced architects, designers and technicians will accompany your project in Hamburg. We attach great importance to personalised advice in order to understand your individual wishes and needs. Our aim is to create spaces that not only present your products in the best possible way, but also offer an inviting and stimulating shopping environment that customers will want to visit again and again

Four steps from planning to construction:

1. Concept & design: Every project begins with the aim of perfectly understanding and realising your vision. Based on this, our team in Hamburg develops a concept that fulfils your requirements.

2. Detailed planning: Once the concept has been approved, we draw up detailed plans, select materials and plan the realisation down to the smallest detail.

3. Realisation & construction: Our specialist team will realise your project efficiently and precisely, paying particular attention to compliance with all technical and design specifications.

4. Final handover & aftercare: After completion, KMG is available for further optimisation and support to ensure that your business in Hamburg is successful.

Diverse projects and references

Our portfolio includes a wide range of successfully realised shopfitting projects in various sectors. This diversity demonstrates our ability to find a creative and customised solution for every challenge. Our reference projects in Hamburg and other cities show that we are able to develop concepts that emphasise the unique identity of each brand and create an optimal customer experience.

The role of design in the customer experience

In modern retail, shop design is crucial to success. A well thought-out shop concept can make a decisive contribution to attracting customers’ attention and encouraging them to buy. At KMG, we understand that every detail counts – from the choice of colour to the lighting. Our approach aims to create an ambience that not only appeals to customers visually, but also touches them emotionally.

Carl-Friedrich-Benz-Str. 27
16321 Bernau